What is Bipolar Disorder? Could I Be Bipolar? 7 Signs to Look For


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Bipolar disorder is a mental condition that causes a person to fluctuate between mania and depression. It is characterized by unusual shifts in mood and energy levels. Bipolar disorder is also sometimes called “manic-depressive illness.”

Bipolar disorder can ruin relationships, hinder performance at work, cause dangerous or risky behavior, and even lead to suicidal thinking. But it can be treated and managed. People with this condition can still have a life, most probably with the aid of medication and therapy.

Bipolar disorder is marked by extreme mood swings from highs to lows. These can last hours, days, weeks, or months. The mood swings may even become mixed, so you might feel like crying over something silly.

Bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose. Unless you have severe mania, the symptoms are hard to spot. If you are really worried that you or your close ones might be bipolar, the best one can do is educate yourself on it look for symptoms.

Below are seven symptoms:

  1. Easily agitated.
  2. Impaired judgment.
  3. Feeling extremely happy/optimistic for long duration of time.
  4. Engaging in risky behavior, such as gambling one’s savings, having impulsive sex, or going on big spending sprees.
  5. Restlessness or impulsiveness.
  6. Talks really fast.
  7. Over-confidence.


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