What is branding? Explain the term E-Branding in detail


The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.


Therefore it makes sense to understand that branding is not about getting your target market to choose you over the competition, but it is about getting your prospects to see you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem.


The objectives that a good brand will achieve include:

  • Delivers the message clearly
  • Confirms your credibility
  • Connects your target prospects emotionally
  • Motivates the buyer
  • Concretes User Loyalty

To succeed in branding you must understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company at every point of public contact.

Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot.


In today’s net-savvy world, e-branding is an  essential requirement for survival amongst the competition. Your brand is what  your product is and what it stands for including your core values,  competencies, attitudes, vision, mission, personality and appearance.  Companies, as well as individuals, understand the importance of e-Branding, and the untapped potential of social networks which are quiet essential for growth.

Impeccable Advertising Asset :- As our entire society is transferred to digital bits,  your eBrand becomes a digital asset and an avatar for being a part of a great  advertising new world

Acknowledgment: –  E-Branding provides you a tag of Knowledgeable and technologically savvy  company which marches ahead with the demand of the hour.


Renounce and Reputation:-E-Branding  is growing exponentially, and both individuals and corporations who  underestimate the power of their online reputation will suffer from arriving  late to a venue that is already crowded with established brands. Thus, if you capture the golden opportunity of E-branding you will not only gain you  renounce in the market and reputation amongst the customers.


Familiarity and Loyalty:  – The Internet is transforming customer buying behavior, with major consequences  for how the new breed of consumer develops familiarity with, and ultimately  loyalty to, brand.


Successful Marketing Strategy :-E-branding is just recomposing marketeering traffic,  build brand equity and capture customer loyalty in the Internet age with one of  the most economical and specific audience-targeted way .


Expand Customer Relationship: – e brand will not only advertise or popularize your  product or service but it will also expand your customer relationship. With the  advantage of communicating to your customers you can also build a strong  relationship and bond between them which would surely lure and attract them to  your products and services.


Deepen Market Penetration: – your own e brand will bring you a deeper market  penetration that is you would get much inside the roots of the marketing and  advertising your product and ultimately achieving your goals of an established  market standing.


Lead Generation :- In  this 21st century it’s the need of the hour for your company to be  in the virtual field that is to have a e brand   so that  you are also the part of  the grand global internet community where you can easily and feasibly showcase  your product and can capture the tech savvy generation .

E-branding is one of the most integral parts of a marketing campaign for any organization. A well designed informative website is the only medium through which an organization can reach out to the world in a short span of time and give the potential customers a glimpse of the business an organization is into.

Challenges brands face online


There are many challenges that personal and corporate brands face online. Companies are being forced to open their culture and communicate with the outside world in a way that embraces two-way communication. People need to be found and positioned as experts in their niches. In both situations, there are challenges that may impede the branding process. The following experts shed light on these challenges:


Brands face two main challenges online today: making sure they have a presence where their current and future customers are and moving forward with trends faster than ever before. With the explosion of so much personal digital communication—social networks, IM platforms, blogs, podcasts, virtual worlds, mobile, etc.—brands are facing the prospect of too many channels. We’ve gone from the concept of mass marketing to mass micromarketing in an incredibly short period of time, and it’s difficult for brand managers to understand which are the most important to focus on.

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