Co-operative farming
Co-operative farming means farmers coming together collectively for cultivation of land. All the farming activities are done collectively and the net income is divided among the farmers. Sometimes a small amount is set aside for difficult times. Banks grant credit to co-operatives as well.
Benefits of farming co-operatives:
1. Agricultural production increases:
Farming is done on a larger scale with better usage of technology. This helps increase production of land as instead of a single farmer cultivating a small piece of land a large amount of land is tilled.
2. Provide technical facilities:
Co-op farming makes technology easily available to its member farmers. This helps in better cultivation practices and results in higher yield.
3. Increases standard of living:
Due to the increase of production farmers incomes increase thus resulting in a rise in the living standard.
4. Democratic treatment:
There is no distinction between rich and poor. This results in equal treatment of all members.
5. Reduces production cost:
Due to the larger scale of operation the production cost is reduced.