What Is Contentment All About?



The all time solution when one is not happy is to be content. I have so many things to be content about first of all I am a human (who is intelligent than all other animals and rules over them). Secondly I have my family, and then I have all my body parts intact including a sane brain. I have always been in circumstances favoring the courageous where goodness always pays.

I am content because I can differentiate between good and bad at least for myself, see it’s easy. Life gives us all so many reasons to be content about but we tend to run behind growth as it assures you achievements that can give you name, fame and money. Growth is a race were being only a human doesn’t count you had to be the best of all something extraordinary, you must outwit everyone.

But what we all forget is that at the end of the day we all must have something to return to. Maybe your mom’s lap, your father’s hug, your sister’s advice, your friend’s company anything which doesn’t change with your success and failure.

Contentment is being happy for all those things that will be with you when the world doesn’t need you.
It is the only thing that stays otherwise, life is like a scissor cutting your growth each time you have flowers. It separates you from the greed attached with wanting more.

Contentment is just like a soil covering roots. Its importance cannot be seen but without its support the stems cannot grow
Human beings get depressed when they fear that their growth will curb whatever they have achieved will vanish but what they don’t understand is you still can live peacefully if you are content.
As feeling of contentment is going to last even when you lose everything

Rupali Bapat

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