What is Indian Approach to Motivation?


In Indian philosophy motivation is not something external. It is rather internal. Infact  GITA is a story of motivation. Arjuna was motivated from the very beginning but he lost his motivation due to some obstacles, hurdles and confusion in his mind. All that was required was to remove these obstacles only. Thus removing obstacles during the performance of job is motivation in Indian philosophy.


Every soul is divine, having immense potentialities. Management has to bring out that potential by removing obstacles and hurdles which restrict from performing. Such motivation involves the inner beauty and does not promote any greed in an individual to have more and more in return of his work- as work itself is viewed in a unique way in Indian philosophy. Work is here considered as an exercise of energy. A living being has no alternative but to be working- physically or mentally. A non working body is a dead body. A man has to work to realize that divinity is residing in him. Thus attitude towards work is quite different. An Indian does not work for a livelihood only, but he considers it as his duty( Sadhana), as Indian philosophy teaches that every work you perform can only be an offering to that divine soul in you.


Lord Krishna motivated Arjuna successfully by this technique. In the beginning Arjuna said that “I will not fight” and at the end he said “ I will do, what you say”. Arjuna was not offered any position etc. for this but all the obstacles had been removed.  He was motivated right from the beginning, he only required some of his doubts cleared. In fact the Gita shows the five clear stages of motivation. They are as follows:

  1. Patient listening – when Lord Krishna did not interrupt Arjuna and listened patiently, where Arjuna puts his problems from 29 to 47 stanzas in the first chapter of Gita.
  2. Putting stress on good points/ strength while removing Arjuna’s doubts.
  3. Discussing on intellectual level- showing the essence of karma/ duty.
  4. Showing the action plan to achieve the goal.
  5. Discussing the consequences of proposed action plan.

Thus Bhagwadgita teaches how to motivate the individual within.

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