What is Karma?



Throughout evolution, suffering has formed an integral part of human experience.  Time and again, the question is raised: Why does suffering exist in a world created by an almighty and all-loving God?  Allowing suffering he cannot be all loving.  If suffering is outside his domain, he cannot be almighty.  The question seems insoluble, but only as long as we maintain that suffering is bad.  Could it be that suffering has a purpose, may be even a loving purpose?

People from the east have long had an explanation for the cause of suffering and how to terminate it.  EvenBuddhakeeps returning to this crucial problem.  In his four truths and teachings about the noble eightfold path, he emphasizes that suffering is caused by earthly desires and that suffering only stops when a person has achieved complete awareness and has no desires at all. These thoughts seem odd to most Westerners.  Let me therefore begin by describing the law that causes all this suffering. The initiates of the East call it the Law of Karma.  In the West people call it the Law of Cause and Effect.


Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”.  According to the Law of Karma, you shall reap in this life or the next as you have sown in this and previous lives.

Every thought, feeling and need impels a corresponding reaction.  However, it is more the motive and intent behind a deep that impels a reaction rather than the deed itself.  This is why a child only creates very little karma through his actions.  This is also why deeds seeming good, but with an egoistic motive behind, only have a small positive effect.  On the other hand, a police officer killing a potential evildoer to save a victim’s life will only face little karma. Krishnatells us is in theBhagvadGita: “One who acts by dedicating all activities to the Ultimate Truth, giving up attachment; is not affected by sin; just as a lotus leaf in water.”

Ignorance is to a far greater extent than malice the cause of human suffering.  As long as we are attached to transient earthly things, we shall experience suffering when we lose them.  Therefore, all great and enlightened souls, who have taught us humans about eternal values, first told us to seek the kingdom of God; then we shall be given all that we need.  Still, we have a free will to choose and learn through our choices.

It is important to emphasise that karma not only involves all the positive effects we have brought about through our many lives, but also the painful circumstances we have had to deal with and learn from.  Bad Karma results in suffering and the purpose is to help man get back on the right path.  Good karma on the other had opens up for possibilities, and the aim here is for man to use his good experience and qualities to help others.  Thus he will help himself.


Learn to live according to spiritual rules of eternal life and improve the quality of your life.  Your mind, emotions, speech and actions are affected by this law.

Mankind sometimes gets struck by their “destiny’>  Some suffer from illness, accidents, from being beaten half death or death and they most if not all the time claims others of being guilty.

This of course is completely wrong.  Mankind needs to learn to be fully responsible for all they do.  The law of Karma explains why illness, accidents and disasters of any kind may occurs to some persons, and why others may enjoy a happy life, free, healthy and joyful.

Learn to properly apply this law for your personal benefit – it will be at the same time for the benefit of all. By properly applying all spiritual principles of God’s Divine creation, your life will become instantly easier – provided you follow ALL rules exactly to the word.



Actually it is very simple and has been known for thousands of years.  The law of Karma is known in Christian teachings, as well as in many other cultures. It says:

Whatever you do to others – will be done to you, in this or any future incarnation of your soul.

This law is so straightforward and logical, it sometimes is hard to believe, that some persons still think they may somehow get around it.  If you knock your head against a wall, it is obvious – it may damage the wall and it may hurt your head.  If you knock someone by physically fighting – you may cause harm, pain, injury to the person and the law of Karma requires you to experience the same pain.  This is to have you learn to behave in a way that accuses but pleasant experience to others and yourself alike.

Whatever you do, you may attract persons around you, that have a same or similar Karma than you have.  If you are of a physically fighting nature, you may attract such persons again and again.  Until you start to become aware of your own behavior and start to be fed up with the result of your very own actions. Until you start to strive for a more peaceful environment.  The only sure method of finding one is changing your very own behavior.

This law applies for individuals as much as for families, groups, villages, cities, nations, cultures or even entire planets.


It applies for all you do toward any being including animals, plants, planets, beings of any nature beyond physical sphere, humans, including what some may consider “criminals” – remember:  All are children of God – made out of his Holy Spirit, made to the image of God.  This law is valid for

  • all of your actions
  • all of your words
  • all of your thoughts
  • all of your emotions


Western scientists also see a relation between deeds and either well being or suffering.  Current researchers of psychological and social issues are trying to uncover this relation. It is actually widely accepted that traumas may be traced back to childhood and early adolescence. It is further recognised that unfortunate decisions made by decision-makers of previous generations contribute to social problems in later generations.  All in all, it is acknowledged that suffering is an interaction between individual psychological dispositions, hereditary genetic factors and social circumstances.  In short, individual problems are the result of both inner and outer circumstances having root in the past.

The core issue separating Western belief from Eastern belief is whether the causes of suffering only may be ascribed to this life or whether they may also be ascribed to past lives.  The latter belief is not accepted in academic circles today, even though the idea was widespread in ancient Greece, the cradle of modern science.

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