What is Pause/proceed-with-caution strategy?


Pause/proceed-with-caution strategy


Pause/proceed-with-caution strategy is such a tactic. It is employed by firms that wish to test ground before moving ahead with a full-fledged grand strategy. It is a temporary strategy just like the profit strategy. It defers in the way of objectives are defined. The Pause/proceed-with-caution strategy is a deliberate and conscious attempt to adjourn major strategic changes to a more opportune time or when the firm is ready to move on with rapid strides again.




In the Indian shoe market dominated by the Bata and Liberty, not many of them might be aware that Hindustan Levers, better known for FMCGs, produces substantial quantities of shoe uppers for the export markets. In late 2000, it started selling a few thousand pairs in the cities unobtrusively to gauge market reaction. This could possibly be a proceed-with-caution strategy before it goes full stream into another FMCG sector that has a lot of potential.

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