What is Sexual Abuse?


Sexual abuse is the most disastrous form of abuse. Abuse can be sexually mentally and physically. Sexual abuse also known as RAPE and MOLESTATION. Sexual abuse faced by a woman or a man makes you feel horrible. When a child is being touched on their private parts of their body forcefully it is sign of sexual abuse. It is molestation when any person a man or a woman is been a victim of attempt to rape. Forcefully touching someone without a person’s consent is wrong. When a person is touched without their consent it is a discomfort that is felt in the body. While when you touch someone wilfully it makes you both happy.

The worst case of sexual abuse seen in this recent time of 2013 is the nirbhaya case. A young student studying physiotherapy had been a victim of rape. Few uneducated and insensitive people just to quench their thirst and satisfy themselves rape that young girl. They not only gang raped her but kept her lying on the streets. They threw her after brutally penetrating a rod into her virgina not even wondering how dreadful it must have been for her. They crushed her spirit and destroyed her body as well.

She was left naked in fact thrown naked on the street and no one to help her. What wrong would have she done to them. Just to show how manly they are they force themselves upon her. They kill her and throw her out. How must she have felt? Her whole life had gone for a toss at that very moment. No one has ever imagines such a brutal thing happening to them. How could they be so irrational and do such a thing. How hard must it have been for her? While they forced themselves on her. As they come closer even when a stranger touches you feel awkward.

It is the worst feeling where someone forcefully forces himself over you. You feel disgusted and disgraceful. It is such a shameful act. Man has been so used to indulging in sinful habits that they do not understand the consequences. Didn’t they have a family? Don’t they have any one to look at? It is not only happening with young women it is happening with young children. Little children of the age of 6 and 7 what pleasure can one get from a little child.  Even boys today are unsafe. There are homosexuals who too rape. Not every homosexual is a rapist. But it is not safe even for boys to be out of their house for a long time.

We often hear the sad news of sexual abuse on different people in the newspapers and news channels. This only shows disrespect of human beings. It is ok to have sex but it is not okay to forcefully have it with the one who doesn’t want to have it with you. Sex should be done wilfully and after marriage. People in relationships too have sex and sometimes even if the girl isn’t ready the body forces her or makes her a fool by telling her weird stories just to satisfy his sexual pleasures. This too is some kind of a rape. Boys and men who try to fool innocent and young girls and make them fall in love with them just for having sex is a kind of sexual abuse.

Even when two people are in love and indulge into sexual activity too much and the guy or the girl cheats on you for another man or women, this kind of feeling is the worst one. When you find your lover sharing the bed with another man you get so shocked that something that she gave to me or he gave to me is given to another. The tears fall you have a feeling that you just got raped by a person. Suddenly the touch that you loved once turned into the hatred that you never ever thought of. That feeling of being cheated and touched you don’t get chills down your spine that make you go oo baby. You get that fear of the dirty touch like a monster has come to eat you up.

You feel so timid and tiny. You just want to go and run away. You want to hide in one corner so that no one comes close to you. No one touches you. No one ever dares to hear you at least by getting close. You start hating everything. Your self-respect seems to be shaken. Your confidence goes low. You hate your body and every person around you. You just can’t seem to get over of the hideous things that have happened to you.  As much as you think you get more angry and sad. You even seem to be going into depression. You fear trusting people. Even your own neighbours and cousins start to stare you. Your soul has been shaken. Your body starts to tremble.

Sexual abuse can make you die. You may be alive but your soul seems to be dead. If people know about it. They show sympathy and empathy. You fell the full world is laughing at you. Even though they may be not. You can hear the voices of the rapist. You can hear them come close. You can hear their footsteps and you can see no one around which scares you more.

Sexual abuse can make such a bad impact on you. You never want anyone to feel such a thing. No one will even understand how you feel right inside. How shaken how hurt and how painful it must have been to have seen all this. It’s easy for us to sympathise but difficult for a person to live with it. They have to live with that guilt of hurt and pain. They live in agony and no one seems to hear them. The saddest part of going through all this is you as a victim would still be looked down upon. You should be called a SURVIOUR and not a victim of sexual abuse.



Carren bryne.


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