Conflict always exists between operators of similar formats or within broad retail categories. It is believed that retail innovation does not necessarily reduce the number of formats available to the consumer; instead, it leads to the development of more formats. Retailing thus evolves through a dialectic process, i.e., the blending of two opposites to create a new format.
This can be applied to
Developments in retailing as follows: —
a. Thesis
Individual retailers as corner shops all across the country
b. Antithesis
A position opposed to the thesis develops over a period of time. These are the department stores. The antithesis is a “challenge” to the thesis.
c. Synthesis
There is a blending of the thesis and antithesis. The result is position between the “thesis” and “antithesis”. Super markets and hypermarkets thrive. This “synthesis” becomes the “thesis” for the next round of evolution.