What Is The Meaning of Disinvestment Situations?




Disinvestment Situations : There are three types of such situations;

  1. Disastrous Situations – Practically no worthwhile strength & not to real opportunities. Has only weaknesses & threats very difficult to survive.


  1. Chaotic Situations – High level of opportunities, but bogged down by internal weaknesses. Management is tempted by opportunities launches new projects & products. Due to a lack of internal strength, they fail after the other.


  1. Complacent Situations – Has some internal strength, but hurt by lack of adequate opportunities. Slowly, the strengths evaporate & the company becomes a shadow of its past. You should get out of such disinvestment situations as fast as you can.


       The following steps are involved in finding & evaluating business opportunities:

  1. Recognized opportunities/trends/ideas.
  2. Use methods such as Brainstorming & Attribute listing for generating ideas.
  3. Determine trends & implications – demographic, economic, socio-economic, socio-cultural, psychological.
  4. Identify opportunities inferred by these trends.
  5. Consider ideas to become business opportunities.
  6. Evaluate business opportunities.
  7. Correlate opportunities to personal concerns or constraints.
  8. Use SWOT analysis techniques for a rigorous evaluation of business opportunities.
  9. Create a personal opportunities file.
  10. Guard your business ideas.



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