What Is The Meaning of Economic Oriented Appraisal?


Economic Appraisal



Economic Oriented Appraisal:

 The economic viability depends upon its profitability. A project without adequate profits or which is likely to incur losses, cannot be commercially viable. Economic viability can be carried out through projections of profitability for a period ranging from 3 to 10 years .The profitability of the project should be established on a long term basis, keeping in view a spread of 5 years, after a reasonable level of capacity utilization is achieved.

  The economic oriented appraisal includes the following;

  1. Preparation of projected profitability statements for a period of 5 to 10 years.
  2. Calculations of certain ratio to ascertain economic viability like debt service coverage ratio, pay back period, average rate of return, net present value, break even sales & internal rate of return.



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