What Is The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship?


Social Entrepreneurship


Social Entrepreneurship:-


A] Introduction –

                 Social entrepreneurs combine the passion of a social mission with an image of business like discipline, innovation & determination & try to come up with business models as good as the commercial sector.


B] Definition –

                 Howard R Bowen – Social Responsibility:

     “ Obligation of business, to persue those policies, to make those decisions or to follow those line of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives & values of our society.”


C] Meaning –

  1. Social Responsibilities of business means duties & obligation of business towards different social group like consumers, shareholders, employees , local community & society at large.
  2. It is applicable to all business irrespective of their size & nature of business.
  3. Corporate Social Entrepreneur is “ an employee of the firm who operates in a socially entrepreneurial manner; identifying opportunities for & or championing socially responsible activity, in addition to helping the firm achieve its business target.


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