What is the procedure for inspection of Minutes Book by a member?


Procedure for inspection of minutes book of G.M. of a company by the member:-

A member has the right to inspect, free of cost, during business hours at the registered office of the company the books containing the minutes of GM of the company:-

  1. to see whether the book is bound and its page consecutively numbered.
  2. to see whether the every page of the minute book has been initiated or signed by the chairman last page of the minute book must be signed & dated.
  3. to see whether the book has been kept at Registered office of the company.

The provision pertaining to the procedure for inspecting the minutes book of general meeting of a company by the members are as follows:-

  1. The book constituting the minutes of the proceeding of any general meeting of a company shall:-
    1. Be kept at the registered office of the company.
    2. Be open, during business hours, for the inspection of any member without charge, subject to such reasonable restriction as the company may impose by its Articles or in general meeting, so however that not less than 2 hours in each day are allowed for inspection.
  2. Any member shall be entitled to be provided, within 7 days, with a copy of any minutes under sub-section (1) on payment of such sum as may be prescribed for every hundred or fractional part thereof required to be copied.
  3. If any inspection required under sub-section (2) is not provided within the specified time, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 5,000 in respect of each offence.
  4. For any such refusal or default, the Central Government may by order compel immediate inspection of Minutes Book or direct that the copy required shall be immediately sent to the person requiring it.

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