What is the role of a constructive and positive Trade Union?


Q. What is the role of a constructive and positive Trade Union?


Ans. The Role of a constructive and positive Trade Union


–       Achieving higher wages and better working and living conditions for the members

–       Acquiring the control of industry by worker

–       Minimizing the helplessness of the individual workers by making them stand collectively and against victimization and injustice of the employers

–       Raising the status of the workers as partners of the industry and citizens of society by demanding the increasing share for the workers in the \management of industrial enterprises

–       Providing a worker self confidence and self esteem

–       Imbibing sincerity and discipline in workers.

–       To protect the right to be consulted on all matters affecting the workers interest.

Besides the above functions of the trade unions the national Commission of Labour has entrusted the following responsibilities on to the trade unions which they execute:


–       Promotion of national integration

–       Instilling in their members a sense of responsibility towards the industry and the community

–       Generally influencing the socio-economic policies of the community through active participation in their formulation at various levels.


The functions of the trade union can be divided into 5 categories. Viz


  1. Militant or Intra Mural Functions : these functions include protecting the workers interest i.e. hike in wages, providing more benefits, job security etc. through collective bargaining and direct action such as strikes, gheraos etc.


  1. Fraternal Or Extra Mural Functions : These functions include providing financial and nonfinancial assistance to workers during the period of strikes, lock-outs, extension of medical facilities, during sickness and casualties, provision of education, recreation, recreational and housing facilities, provision of social and religious benefits etc.


  1. Social Functions: These functions include carrying out social service activities, discharging social responsibilities through various sections of the society like educating the customers etc.


  1. Political Functions: These functions include affiliating a union to a political party, helping the political party in enrolling members, collecting donations, canvassing during the election period, seeking help of political parties during the strikes and lockouts.


  1. Ancillary Functions: Ancillary functions of trade include Communications to its members. Welfare activates like acquiring of house sites, construction of houses, and establishment of co-operative societies. Educating its members and their family. Arranging to conduct research programmes. Analyzing data for collective bargaining, preparing notes for union officials, for court cases etc. They also arrange to analyze macro data about the economy, industry and different sectors etc.

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