What Is The Role of Retail Professionals?


Retail Professionals


Retail professionals in the store operations career area oversee the overall store operations and profits. Positions include Head of Store Operations, Regional Manager and District Manager, and responsibilities in this area may include managing staff functions like loss prevention and/or human resources. Responsibilities in operations may vary from being responsible for a department, floor, the entire store or a group of stores.
Very often, sales is considered to be a part of store operations. Positions in sales include sales associate, cashier, store stock associate and stock receiver.
The primary duty of a sales staff is to serve customers on the selling floor, actually selling goods. However In front-end sales staff may also be involved in receiving merchandise into the store, counting it and then displaying it on the store shelf. Responsibilities would also include receiving merchandise returned by customers. These front-end positions need the ability to deal with people, flexibility and importantly, the ability to working teams.






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