What is the Role/Advantages of Interview?


Role/Advantages of Interview :

An interview is an oral examination. It is a two-way communication where the interviewers can obtain as much as required information from the candidate and the candidate can ask for information about the company and the job.

Interview is beneficial not only to the company but also to the candidate.

The role of interview can be stated as follows:

I.     To the Company :

1.      Information of the candidate : The company can secure information of the candidate in respect of-

  •         Educational background,
  •         Family background,
  •         Oral communication skills,
  •         Personally – maturity, inter-personal skills,
  •         Special interest – sports, hobbies, etc….

2.      Supplements Application Blank : The interview provides an opportunity to talk to an applicant, and to check information provided in the application blank by the candidate.

3.      Employment Decision : It helps to evaluate the available information of the candidate so that the employer can make a decision whether to select or reject him.


4.      New Insights : Personal interviews may bring to the notice of the interviewers new insights in the business field as some applicants may have devised better ways (through project / research work) to deal with certain business matters. Such new ways come to the notice of the interviewers with a detailed discussion with the candidate of his achievements and/or past experience. The  interviewers can make use of such insights in their business matters also.

5.      Assists in Promotions, Transfers :

It helps to evaluate the candidate for the purpose of not only hiring, but also in case of promotion, demotion or transfer.


II.      To the Candidates :

1.      Opportunity to get Selected : Interview provides an opportunity to the candidate to present his views, opinions and ideas. He may stand a good chance of being selected if he performs well at the interview.

2.      Confidence in Candidates : Fresh applicants, generally become nervous at the first one or two interviews, but after attending such interviews, it creates confidence in them and they can effectively face subsequent interviews.

3.      Information of the job : The candidate can obtain as much as required information about the job in respect of –

  •         Working Conditions,
  •         Salary and other incentives,
  •         Job security,
  •         Promotions, transfers, etc.

4.      Information of the Company : The candidate can obtain information about the company in respect of:

  •         History of company,
  •         Number of factories or branches,
  •         Foreign collaboration, if any.
  •         Market position, etc.

5.      Contacts : The candidate can develop good contacts with the other candidates and even with the interviewers. This may help to get a placement in some other company if he is not selected in the present company.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS

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