What is Tunnel Vision?


This characteristic refers to a closed way of thinking, especially about abstract topics, such as religion and politics. The person with tunnel vision is one who has firmly fixed ideas. The opposite side of tunnel vision is open-mindedness. Of course, it is possible to be too open-minded, just as it is possible to be too closed-minded. The person who is too open-minded has a problem with being wishy-washy and too easily influenced by the most recent thing he/she in told.

Very few people are extremely closed or open-minded. But nearly all people lean one way or the other. These are ways of thinking about the world. Communication is difficult when you must deal with a person who admits yo no errors and accepts no compromise. The person with tunnel vision cannot cope well with unforeseen developments and rapidly changing conditions. This is the person whose attitude seems to say; “I’ve already made up my mind, Don’t confuse me with the facts!!!”

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