Tips To Help You Speak Better!



George Bernard Shaw once said,”I often quote myself; it adds spice to my conversation.” Most of us are not quite so certain at Shaw about our ability to enliven conversation. The ability to talk effectively and speak well in public is indeed an asset of immeasurable value.

  Whether one uses this ability to converse across a table to one person or to address an audience of five hundred people,it is indeed imperative to speak well.We ordinarily think of conversation simply as talking to one person or at the most, a small group.

 But if you learn to talk clearly and intelligently in small groups, bringing all your talent into play, you will be able to speak well in public. Anyone who does not strive to talk with the greatest effectiveness he can command,is not using his talent to the best advantage. He may have ideas in his business or profession, but he is not presenting them convincingly.

He may have interesting ideas , but he is not conveying to them in an entertaining manner. Whether a person is applying for a job,selling goods and services to his prospects, playing golf with a friend,or having luncheon with his associates,he engages in conversation.A conversation that inspires confidence and builds respect in business and social life.

So, I truly believe it is essential to converse with poise and confidence. As they are words which help us or hinder us,make friends or enemies,lead us to failure or success. So exude charm every time you speak!


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Riya Lokhande


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