“What makes your paper stand different is your Presentation” says Priyanka Manjrekar, NK TYBMS Topper 2013


An Interview with Priyanka Manoj Manjrekar, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper,

Nagindas Khandwala College, Malad West (77%)

2012-02-17 14.35.26 


  • Tell us more about yourself.

Beside studies, I am very fond of drawing and painting. I like to be creative in whatever work I do…I run my own tutorials as well as help my dad in his Business (Printing press). I am very foody so I love cooking as well. I always try to learn new things wherever and whenever I can.


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

Well frankly speaking I never studied with an intention to get a first rank, but yes I always planned to give my best performance.

I would like to give the credit to myself for my hard work, beside I would like to Thank my parents for 1 thing which I really appreciate, they never pressurized me to study and always gave me the freedom to plan my agenda. I would also like to thank my Vice Principal Prof. Mona Bhatia for having faith in me and supporting me all the time without which I would not have been able to explore myself.


  • Did you prepare religiously from Day One or A few weeks before the exams?

I was an active member in extracurricular activities so I started my studies few weeks prior, probably 3 weeks prior. Whatever I studied was during my internals 1 day prior and remaining portion 3 weeks prior of our University exams. I could never rattofy any answer rather I read once and tried to understand which made things simple for me. I never studied long nights nor got up early in the morning.


  • How did you allot time to different subjects?

I never made any timetable. I tried to do so but couldn’t follow.

My funda was simple I studied any subject any time. I never studied 1 subject a day. If I used to get bored of one subject I would switch to another. Most of the times, it was combination of theory and practical subject at a time. So even I never got bored.

If ever I used to get bored instead of wasting time looking at book I would listen music or take a nice sleep. After getting refreshed I would start again. This is how I managed to study.


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the subjects before exams? Any special way of writing the answers? How to crack case studies?

Yes I would love to share some insights which I follow:

  • Firstly I use neat and clean handwriting which I am more concerned on.
  • Secondly presentation, Last 5 min of my paper I give only for drawing lines and highlighting wherever needed.
  • Always write your answers in bullets rather than paragraph.
  • The length of answer matters a lot, never waste your time writing unnecessary which is not asked.
  • Always underline the headpoints of every answer so that the examiner has an ease to check your paper.
  • Draw flow chart and diagrams wherever possible.

I think everyone studies the same portion but what makes your paper stand different is your presentation. You may know the entire answer but you should also know how to present it in your paper, what to write and how much to write.


  • Do you think BMS students require coaching classes?

I think there is no need for coaching classes as I didn’t  for my first 4 semesters, but I did in 5th semester but only for practical subjects.

Theory is something which you need to understand and then write. I could never rattofy the answers and always wrote in my own words. So I think there is no need of coaching classes rather students get confused because classes have their own notes, college professors suggest another book. So better to study what you can understand.


  • Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities? Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

Yes, I have always been very proactive in organizing events. Starting from orientation programme, Seminar KIRANTMand Festival MIRAGEto Farewell. First year I was the member of Editorial committee, second year I was the Head of editorial committee and finally in my third year I am the Chairperson of the BMS section. These three years have given me a great experience. Life without BMS would be dull and boring.

Yes a student could manage his studies as well as extracurricular at the same time. Being the chairperson I used to be in college till 9-10pm. I had a very less time in my hand for my studies, but I think managing all the activities at a time my mind became so active that it could grab everything even if I read once. 


  • Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

Yes there is need of increasing number of Industrial visits. I have been visited to Parle factory, RBI and Magic Bus.

Out of 3 Magic bus was the most amazing as we were taken to somewhere in Palghar where the Magic Bus had their ownership land, they had various activities to team building which included all physical task which were indeed interesting and fun loving and also helped to develop a team spirit.

Colleges should take an initiative to organize such IV where students could practically do something rather than only having a look at the Industries.


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock? What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

I don’t think so. Working in groups for presentations and projects makes you work with different people with different mentality. Some may not work, some may be rude, and some may be bossy. It’s over here that you learn to manage people. If you could manage people then you lead. If you cannot manage people then you follow what others say. But you should learn both to Lead and to follow.

Giving assignments is of no use because majority of them copy from others. Rather it’s a waste of time, energy and paper. Instead there should be GDs, Presentations, and Fieldwork which will enhance our communication skills and impart practical knowledge. I think 1 change that is needed in the BMS curriculum is Practical application of the concepts we study.


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

One mistake what most of them do is to ask others “Arey main kaise padhai karu?”

Everyone has their own caliber and you should know how you can manage your studies rather than asking others advice and doing what they say.

Try to do Smart work rather than Hard work.


  • What are the future plans post BMS?

After TYBMS, I will be taking 1 year break, do job and study for my CAT, CMAT and other exams and then MBA.



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