What Next for Formula 1 ?


Where the world is rejoicing wins or gulping defeats we have a thought in our brain always thinks what next. Where the engines are getting faster and better, the drivers are risking it all to be at top. Along side the track and offtrack the amount of noise produced by the engines is also phenomenally disturbing. So after this season the organizers of grand prix are at a snapped position between enthusiasts and earth lovers. With each seasons promises failure the winning side is with the earth lovers.


So before the seasons starts there have been a lot of speculations over the changes in Grand prix. The earth huggers have proposed the following plans.

Instead of using the V8 engines using the V6 turbo charged engines which create lesser noise. As also drop the Rpm from 19000 to 1000. This will ensure certain breaking mechanism given to the drivers aid. But enthusiastic oppose the same idea by saying that we have our drivers race not a walk on the track. It reduces the games performance and level of skill requires which F1 isn’t willing too. In this tussle of power and speed certain fanatics have started their own Grand Prix the F0 grand Prix for electric run vehicles. This Grand Prix also known and Formula E has its start this year with 10 tracks all around the world. So if the tides and time change soon there will be no Vettel or Alonso but drivers like Lucas di Grassi driving away in the electric Grand prix.

v6 turbo

These vehicles bring a hope of cleaner sports as well as development in the field of technology. In the future companies will start to R and D better battery options for the cars to Run on increasing speeds and also lighter battery which can be later utilised to enhance phones and tablets. So the fate of F1 now seems straight, but future a bit bleaky as we have new prix starting of this season The Formula E Grand Prix.


-Aditya Chavan

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