What should I do with my life?


At this very moment I do not know what I should do with my life. There a lot of people who do not know the true reason behind their birth. They fail to understand their real goal and just live every day as every other day. No day is different. I cannot imagine such a life. How can a person live a life without an ambition? But we have people who have lived, who are living and who are in the path of living such a life.

“What should I do with my life”- This question has haunted me since the time I understood that I should have a career. I have to earn by deciding what I will do in future. I will be honest. This question irritated me a lot. I used to run from this question. Every time my parents insisted me on deciding an answer, I used to excuse myself stating that I have time. But honestly, it did not help. I am still standing at the same situation as I was 5 years ago. I am definitely making a proper utilization of my time but I am not sure whether this is what I always wanted to do. I am sure you all are facing the same situation.

Then how are we supposed to find an answer to this question. Well in my opinion time will give us an answer. I believe sooner or later, every human is destined to reach his/her goal by default. The key to reach our destination is do our current jobs to its best. Always remember, your present will decide your future. Keeping in mind that my present will affect my future, I have started giving my best shot every day, with an intention to find an answer to this question. When will you people start?

However, have you ever thought about the destination of your life? I once thought I should be a pilot. Then later as time passed, I ended with one conclusion, that whatever I do, I should be recognized for it. My income to fulfill all my dreams and I should live a content and happy life. That is all I am looking for. I hope I get it soon. I have found my answer as time passes. I am sure even you will find it. All you need to do is never stop looking for an answer. That is when you lose the battle.

In fact life is not about career and making money. It has something else involved in it. Your wishes like visiting the 10 most beautiful destinations, experiencing all the adventurous sports etc. I think you all should make a list of what you want to do and find time and other resources to do it. I am sure at the age of 60 you will be content and happy person. But it takes a lot of courage and dedication to fulfil your wishes. If you have it and wants to make a difference, then do not wait for your neighbour. Just go for it.

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nidhi vora


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