What success should mean to you.



What is it?
Why we crave for it?
Can it be defined?
What it should mean to anyone?

Defining success is not at all simple it could mean anything to anyone it varies from person to person, it could be a personal, social or anything. Trying to define what success is is not easy.

To most people, success means achieving a goal. In order to achieve a goal, a person usually has to work hard and believe in himself. Being successful at what you do can also be very motivating. People who are successful in one project, tend to be more successful in other projects. This is because they get the feeling that their hard work pays off and that a goal is worth their time and effort. Success usually goes hand in hand with appreciation. If someone we know succeeds at what he or she does, we will most certainly congratulate them. This will make them feel good and motivate them even further.

To some people success means giving and being the best at what they do. This means, that the requirements are even higher in order to succeed: just taking part and achieving good results is not enough. Usually the people who always wants to be the best gets disappointed if they fail to achieve their goals.

There is an another aspect in it if you are the best in something and other people also want to be best in that so here arouses a tension a form of jealousy and a mean behaviour from others so at such time the thinking should be that there are many people who appreciate your work and the people who are mean can get some motivation from you.

Success means more to some people than to others. Some want to be successful by all means, others are satisfied by simply trying and giving their best, whether they succeed or not.

So it’s on us how to take success to take along us.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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