What The Rail Budget Offered Mumbaikars And How It Fails To Amuse Us!


local train - mumbai

The Mumbaikar, is pretty upset since the time we had our railway commute prices rise, and the new budget does try to pacify us! Mumbai has the luxury of having the country’s firs t bullet trains on the Mumbai- Ahmedbad, promising a speed of 160-200 kms/ hr. Well, suits the fast paced personality of Mumbaikar’s so we’re not at all complaining.

Nothing new planned up, for us is a little disappointing, but they covered up promising to complete the existing plans. The railway board has also sanctioned Rs 373 crore for the Mumbai Urban Transport Project II, with all the money to be utilized for ongoing projects, and has announced surveys for proposed 72 rakes planned in phases in the next two years along with proposing corridors including the CST-Panvel fast corridor, the Panvel-Diva-Virar corridor and the Thane-Navi Mumbai airport corridor.

local train -mumbai

The Very interesting new promise of providing long-distance commuters to free Wi-Fi at six stations in the city, let’s just hope they haven’t underestimated the power of the regular commuter cum super smart hacker’s we house in the city!

All we can say, to this is that promises seem futile unless, we see action and hopefully we shall have something sunny to talk about the city’s life line post the cloudy price hike times!

Source: TOI

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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