What to do 1 day before CMAT?


Today is the day which we were waiting for last few months. CAT, SNAP, NMAT and now all eyes on CMAT… All of us want this to pass as soon as possible.. some of you are excited but some sad because of the performance in other exams… You might be thinking that nothing can be done now… Well Magic happens and it happens every year.. Student with 86%iler in CAT get Rank 2 in CMAT. Student with 83% in CAT gets CET Rank 3… CAT 64%iler was CMAT Rank 23… CET 54%iler was 99.65%iler this year.. and many more success stories..

This CMAT is going to change the destiny for many of you… If you keep yourself motivated, strong headed and score well for 3 hours during the exam.. you will see a different world…

Do well in CMAT if you wish to work at 6 digit salary at world famous companies like Pepsi, HSBC Bank, P&G and on high profiles like Investment banking, Branding, Business Development or Merger & Acquisitions.

Do well in CMAT not only for you but for your family, friends or girl/boyfriend.. give your parents a moment of pride… I still cherish the moment when my dad used to introduce me to his friends “My Son is doing MBA from Jamnalal Bajaj”

What to do now in last 2 days:
1. Do basics
Pick up CMAT books or any other book you are following. Keep aside everything else. Just do solved examples of each and every chapter of the books. Trust me CMAT paper will contain 3 questions in quant which you will not be able solve as you don’t know how to approach them.

2. No mocks
Don’t take any more mocks in last 2 days of the exam. If you wish to take than take the Live Mock which I will be uploading on the exam first day and couple of last year’s papers which you already have.

3. Finalise Mock Strategy
Some of you will get under stress during the exam. I know one student who used to score 330 average score in the mocks but managed only 260 in CMAT and ended up in SIES. Some of you will be shocked to see your results.. expected 300 but got 180! To avoid all this… I will seriously request you to finalize your strategies for the exam.. Please watch all 10 videos  on youtube.com/cetkingworkshops

4. Shortcuts
Shortcuts are very important to save your time esp in the areas where you are weak at and need to save time.. Verbal section for example will take most of your time and is lengthy so saving time in Quant and Logic section will help you in the exam.

5. No stupidness
No new stuff.. no negative energies… no talking friends who are cribbing all the time… only positive thinking and ready to kill attitude
All the best

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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cetkingworkshops


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