What To Do If You Failed Your BMS Exams – 13 Guaranteed Successful Tips To Help You!



Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) exam is not easy to pass. In the history of 14 years BMS course, 2014 witnessed only 51% of 11,000 Third Year Bachelor of Management Students passing their exam of Semester V exams. The pass rates have always ranged from 65% to 75% but this year the results were shocking and disastrous. If you are one of the many who has failed their exam, here is what you should do and follow to increase your odds of passing when you appear for ATKT or re-exams:


#1. Understand your strengths and weaknesses.

#2. Prepare a strategy to pass the BMS ATKT exam with the help of your topper friends.

#3. When you have already spent around 10k for a coaching class, why not spend 2k more for some crash courses with offered by best BMS professors with guaranteed success, where you’ll get your money back if you don’t pass.

 #4. Gather best quality notes, most preferably the ones suggested by your topper friends and your college faculty.

#5. Have a good night’s sleep before exams to make you REALLY REALLY REALLY HAPPY and improve your concentration, memory and energy levels.

#6. Practice past exam papers as they show you exactly what to expect.

#7.  Go for a run, take a chill pill instead of worrying and get back to study in a calm and measured manner.

#8.  DEACTIVATE/UNINSTALL Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp altogether and limit yourself to only 5 minutes of ‘fun’ per hour of revision.

#9. Do not misread a question and get answers all kinds of wrong. Keep Calm and Read The F**king Question Properly.

#10. Have sufficient stationary weeks before the exam and keep your mind free for important stuff.

#11. Eat the right food to have a real impact on your body in order to improve focus and memory. Avoid oily and junk food till your Semester ends.

#12. When you can remember all the crap of your childhood and celebrities/politicians, then why not remember the things you learn for an important exam. Sleep, eat well and relax.

#13. Plan your time carefully and give yourself deadlines for each question so that you can atleast finish the paper. Attempt each question to atleast get some marks.


Important Links For You:

If you want to apply for revaluation – 

If you want to apply for photocopy of answerbook – 

If you want to apply for ATKT exams –

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