What To Do With My Holiday


Have you ever found yourself in a situation, when you don’t know what you want to do in a holiday? I am sure each one of you must have experienced this situation. I am not saying I am an exception. In fact if I am aware what I have  to do, I will be shocked. Have you ever thought, why we all face this question? The obvious answer is “Busy Life”. We have become so busy that we can’t think of anything but sleeping on an off day. I don’t get to sleep for 10-12 hours on a working day. In fact not even on a holiday. My working day is dedicated to my office and my off day is dedicated to my house. Cleaning, washing, cooking etc needs to be sorted out. Still sometimes I dream of taking up my hobbies and passion.

How about you guys? Have you never thought of doing what you love and enjoy the most? If you ask me, I love to learn new dance forms, do some adventurous sports like river rafting, paragliding and travel to new destinations and explore the city.

I am sure even you would have thought of something like this. I give my full support to the idea of spending your holiday doing what you like.

You may think why am I insisting on this idea? Again, the answer lies within you. Let’s look at a situation when it is your holiday. As per schedule, you slept like ‘Kumbakaran in Mahabharat’ and attended to all other household pending work. At night when you sit at your living room, won’t you start thinking about the moment when you did what you like? Of course you will. A lot people will start questioning me stating “what about other personal activities which they have to care”.

This is where they are getting it all wrong. I never said you should leave all your important personal work and start taking up your passion, the moment it is your holiday. All I wanted to make you guys understand that there needs to be balance between your work, personal work and your passion. Everything should be given equal importance. Not a percent less and not a percent more.  Am I correct or not…..THINK

At this very moment, I am short of words. The task of planning a holiday seems to be a simple, but my dear friends it is not as simple as it looks like. In today’s world, it is not money, destination, resources or time, but it is our willingness. We all have lost the interest to spend quality time for ourselves. We are so engrossed in completing our day-to-day work that we neglect relaxation of our mind.

Even while we sleep, our brain still functions. In our sub-conscious mind, we will be thinking about our office or some other work. I miss my kumbakaran sleep. This is the reason I insist on planning a relaxing activity for yourself.

Live your life today…. Don’t wait for tomorrow….


– Aishwarya. J

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