What Women Look For In Men? 10 Amazing Traits Men Must Have



Men and women are god’s creation. God made man and then through the rib of a man he made woman. God made a woman so that a man can have a companion to be with and he shouldn’t feel alone. Hence it is rightly said you always draw a rough draft before creating a masterpiece. Men being the rough draft and women being the master piece. Women are the most wonderful creation created by god. They are different from men in terms of looks, body structure, body mechanism, and even intelligent and emotional quotient. Women seem are more sensitive and gossip mongers but a lot of observation shows that men too gossip a lot about women and other things more than what women do. Men and women are different from each other that what makes them so special and unique.

There are different types of women looking out for different things in men.

  1. An Intelligence man

Women fall for intelligent men. By intelligent I don’t mean nerds. He needs to be smart and very quick in taking decisions. You like a confused man no one does! An intelligent man with a good knowledge around may be a restraunt or business and stuff always has an edge over the others.


  1. Attentiveness:-

Women love talking. Most of the time it only the woman who does the talking and men are supposed to listen. Only listening isn’t really the thing to do. You need to be attentive. It’s not like she’s going to question you about what she spoke but when you’re attentive she automatically feels special. When you are out with her friend and you say something that she was talking about it makes her feel that you not just sit and listen but you are very particular and you listen to every detail that she talks about.


  1. Manners:-

Men who are manner less are never liked by women. Women prefer a man who is well mannered and not ill-mannered. When you are out with a girl, lady or a woman always make sure you keep a good impression on her. While entering into a shop always open the door for her allows her to go in or leave from the place and only then follow her. While having dinner always pull out a chair for her and make her feel comfortable.


  1. Spending quality time:-

Women sure love gifts and flowers. But many women who can be your long time loyal girlfriends just love spending time with you and do not really want your gifts and money but want your time. Some women just like men who can spend some time with them. Just sitting and talking to them taking them out for dinner or just a small bike ride or a long drive would do. Most of the times it’s your presence that matters.


  1. Attractive:-

Women sure do fall for attractive men. Men have these attractive catty eyes, well-built body, tall, handsome and macho looks attracts a women. Most importantly the way he dresses up matters. Men these days wear colourful pants which is such a turn off. Having a good personality matters. Whatever you wear you should know how to carry it off well. Spiky hair is outdated, women like a guy with a good hairstyle, some women likes a well-dressed guy, clean shave looks best where as some women prefer the rugged rough look.


  1. Mastered the art of making love:-

A man should know to strike the right chord at the right time. Women prefer a man who knows the art of making love, passionate and wild at the same time. A man who knows how to kiss well is definitely attractive and wanted women. It’s not always about sex. Just like men women too love making love just as much as men do. A man who’s got enough knowledge about it definitely impresses a girl. But he shouldn’t always talk about making love, it makes a girl think he’s too desperate and all he wants is just getting physical. Guys need to read some books, be gentle and not act like perverts.


  1. Romance:-

A man who knows how to romance with a woman is the best man a woman could find. Romancing doesn’t mean foreplay. It means making the environment a little cosy yet not awkward and uncomfortable for the woman. Planning a romantic dinner date, taking her for a lovely dance or just a few kinds’ words about her beauty and what you feel for her is what counts in romance.


  1. Language:-

The language in which a guy communicates is important. Women don’t like abusive men and the same applies with men. Women just a man by his language, diction, grammar and punctuations. Funny as it seems but a guy who cannot speak well is a total turn off. You may the most handsome guy but when you can’t speak well or you are abusive and your tone of talking is not good women avoid talking to you. The way a man address the other men or a waiter at the restraunt also matters. If he says excuse me it sounds more sophisticated and respected but if he whistles and tries to call them it leaves a bad impression in the eyes of a woman.


  1. Sense of humour:-

This is the most important factor that a man must have. Most men do not have a good sense of humour. They can’t make a girl happy. Just complimenting a girl will make her blush but if you can make her laugh then there’s nothing like it. Women gets attracted really fast when it comes to a man with a good sense of humour. It only proves that you are a good company and you can make her laugh she wouldn’t mind spending time with you again. Guys who are sarcastic are not liked by women. Be sensible rather than sarcastic.


  10.  Loyalty:-

This matters more than anything else for a woman. Woman believes in commitment. They are very sensitive and emotional. They would want to be with a man who is far more loyal and understanding than being with a man who’s a jerks and a play boy. Women want a man who is real and not fake. If you want to flirt with a woman flirt with her but don’t make her believe that you’re the man for her because it’s totally unfair.

These are the few things that women look out for in men.



-Carren Bryne.

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