What You Ought To Know About “MG Road Bangalore”



1. Mahatma Gandhi Road also known as M.G. Road is a road in Bangalore, India. It runs east from Trinity Circle at one end to Anil Kumble circle at the other.

2. Pre-independence, the M.G.Road was named as South Parade then on 26 February 1948 it was renamed as Mahatma Gandhi Road.

3. M. G. Road is also one of the busiest roads in the city and is lined on one side with retail stores, food outlets and restaurants. It has many office buildings, shops and theatres. M.G. Road now has its very own Metro Railway Station.

4. On Sunday 29.12.14 around 8:30pm two persons were injured in a low-intensity explosion outside Coconut Grove restaurant on Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore.

5. MN Reddi, Bangalore Police Commissioner said “There was an improvised device that was used. The entire police force of the city has been mobilised.”According to police, the IED was kept in flower pot. The cops will see CCTV footage for further investigation.


Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore.3 Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore6

Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore2

Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore5

Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore9 Church Street, MG Road, in Bangalore10







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Soumya Nadar


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