What You Really Ought To Learn From PK And Its Controversies


What You Really Ought To Learn From PK And Its Controversies

PK protest

       ONE QUESTION TO YOU ALL…What is the strength of any Nation? Its people, right? People, irrespective of religion, caste, creed, sex, form a nation. They together run a nation. They play a major role in its development, in its success. What if they only become its weakness? Yes, it is possible. Just look around you and you’ll understand what I mean. Okay, let me be clear. People of India play a very important role in its development as it is a “Democratic Nation”. But somewhere today we people are creating problems for our nation.

We create a mountain out of a mole and then blame thousands of people for that. Best example is the movie “PK“. I don’t believe a movie can be so much important to all the people in our country. Don’t you think people suddenly remembered their faiths, religion, beliefs, and all those things? I don’t say that you should not follow your religion. In fact everybody should do so, they should always have their culture in their pockets. But this “Pure Culture” should not be mixed with the “Modern Business”. Along with this modernism, people are forgetting their original culture and things which their religion taught and now what we know is the “Modern Version Of Religion”. This movie also somewhere wants us to realize the same, just like Paresh Rawal’s “Oh My God” tried to do. So what was the need to react so much?

Aamir In PK Controversy

Just after its release all the people went crazy, our religion, this, that…. Come on! Nobody is uprooting your religion. This movie just tried to open the eyes of people who easily believe in fake people in the name of religion. Since this movie told many businessmen’s truth, they will obviously react. They tried to provoke people, again in the name of religion. This is not the first time. There are always things happening like this and people reacting like this. ONE QUESTION TO YOU ALL those who react so much, do you know the consequences?

ONE QUESTION TO YOU ALL, do you know why British succeeded in making us slaves? One of the reason is that our strength turned into our weakness. Our people, who formed our nation India, who were known for their “unity in diversity”, who lived like a family, slowly loosened that bond of affection for each other. Why? Just because a British told a Hindu that a Muslim is planning against you and told a Muslim that your Hindu brothers will never respect you as their own brother. Isn’t this amazing that how we became our country’s weakness and let our Motherland to be ruled by an outsider? I think we should be happy, after all because of us Europe flourished so much! Right?

Respect all religions

 History is read so that one can learn about mistakes which should not be repeated. Still, we are doing the same mistake. Difference is that today all trouble mongers are from our nation itself. They create a spark and give us fuel and we are so sincere that we provide fuel to that spark without any hesitation. We are dividing ourselves in the name of religion and thus creating lots of problems for our country. And those who want money or any other profit smartly take benefit from this. Support your religion, but also have vision to differentiate between the fake and original, have vision to differentiate between the natural and “artificial” sparks that can burn the whole nation.

Live for the country and its culture, your religion will automatically be preserved.

Stay united, Stay Indian.

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Tanvi Taparia


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