What’s The Point Of The BMS Degree If It Can’t Provide Gainful Employment?


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Bachelors in Management Studies or BMS, is the course that promises to get us skilled with the basic fundamentals of management and is supposed to have an upper hand over general commerce graduation.

Across three years it teaches you to communicate effectively, lead a team, be a team player and manage your time effectively. Theoretically it ensures that you are skilled in a vast variety of about 40 subjects and have specialized knowledge in the subject of your choice.

The theory we study has been designed well and the practical exposure we get is enough as per the university to help us get a job, where we work with at a good position and at a better pay scale, which should definitely be more than a generic commerce graduate.

The reality is that we get none of this, the practical exposure is very little and the theory is imbibed in such a way that we forget as soon as we finish vomiting into the paper. It ensures nothing but the fact that after slogging it out really hard and paying up a lot more fees you are still on par with the average commerce graduate!

It’s a reality all of us need to wake up to what is the solution once we do realize where we are lacking as young professionals? We need to take up things in our own hands and start finding a way, an internship, a few small certificate courses or a part time job there has to be something additional to your portfolio that makes you have an upper hand over the rest.

If you dont do so, you will be fated to just another ordinary job or a compulsive masters degree before you get decent employment!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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