What’s Your Relationship Status With Mother Nature



Don’t you worry, this is not a free advice giving agony ‘uncle’ article . Instead of reaching out to the screen to read this article ,why don’t you  observe the tree outside ? . Your relationship with nature matters ,get off your respective devices and look around . On the occasion of World Environmental Day on the 5th of June ,here are 5 ways how we should to  “connect” with nature.

1. Respect

While a person carelessly litters the ground,embaress him/her by picking it up nd throwing it in the bin . You gain respect by giving it first .

2Go for walks

 Understand the depth of nature,how the vibrations come across,and how each vibration resonates across the universe . We are just a tiny speck on the horizon,yet why do we have such inflated egos ?

3. Treks

 All those who wander are not lost,as the saying goes . Buddha roamed for 15 years before finally arriving at his true destination,Gaya . Treks are a break from the usual fast paced life.,and give us a sense of calmness,once we are in Mother Nature’s Casket.

4. Raise Awareness Campaigns  

 Much of the Western Ghats have been taken for construction projects ,with no ecological assessments being done . Make people understand the value of nature around them,and the dwindling resources they are using .

5. Meditate-

Ten minutes during the day,meditate . It acts as a balm,and gives us synergy . The balance of a sharp mind and an expanded consciousness brings perfection .

Beauty is all around us . It is just upon us to have the vision to see it ,and observe .

– Shlohmoh Divekar

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