Whatsapp – A Blessing Or A Curse?


Technology has brought in so much today.one of the most interesting thing that I have come across is WHATSAPP. YES! Ever   wondered what exactly does WhatsApp do? Yes, we all know that WhatsApp Messenger is an application for sending instant messagingfor smartphones and selected feature phones that uses the internet for communication. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video and audio media messages as well as their location using integrated mapping features. Well this is all what people know about this very interesting application. Let’s see what research says, WhatsApp claims that 400 million active users use the service each month.  As of 22 April 2014, WhatsApp had over 500 million monthly active users, 700 million photos and 100 million videos are shared each day, and the messaging system handles more than 10 billion messages each day.

WhatsApp has become such an important part of people’s lives. Every morning people wake up and first check their WhatsApp. Even school going kids have WhatsApp and college going youth ,working youth all have WhatsApp. Even parents and a few grandparents use this app; well the owner CEO Jan Koum would indeed be very happy that this app is a part of so many people’s lives.


Have you ever wondered if WhatsApp is a blessing or a curse?

Well to all teenagers it surely seems to be a blessing after all free messaging sharing of instant pictures videos songs recordings so on and so forth. Well it’s wonderful how WhatsApp brings everyone closer even people who seem to be overseas. It keeps you connected and you share a lot, you may never feel lonely. Whenever you are bored or in your free time most of the times you are seem to open your WhatsApp and check. Check what’s new who’s sent a new text to u any image and you would even open to your lover, spouse, children or siblings profile to see their DP what we formally call display picture. Oh and not forgetting how wonderfully we have a look at our WhatsApp contact user’s statuses. A person’s WhatsApp status reveals a lot of their state of being, whether their emotional, in love, depressed, heartbroken, if they have had a fight tensed a lot can be easily predicted through just a status. WhatsApp is definitely very good as far as being connected is concern. WhatsApp also helps students especially me exchange notes, that’s one awesome thing about WhatsApp. You have not done your homework and you need to complete it by tomorrow morning that’s it just text a friend to WhatsApp images of the notes you need and there you go u download it and you have it. Thank God for WhatsApp!  Yes thank God but don’t forget to thank the person who created it. If you are travelling and you are confused with an address you can instantly text your friend, mom or whosoever and find out where exactly to go. You don’t need to have balance to call and fin off all your balance in understanding the route. Another amazing feature about WhatsApp is “last seen online at “. You can easily come to know if a person is online or no if he/she is available when you need him/her and accordingly communicate. But have you ever thought the last seen online at has created a lot of excitement , drama, emotional trauma etc. when you and your boyfriend are chatting n suddenly you realize he is online and he isn’t responding how annoying it is. It creates tension and doubts in the minds of a girlfriend who’s possessive. She naturally feels why isn’t he replying? Is there anyone in his life? Is he cheating on me? Has he gone to sleep when I was busy typing? Ah! That’s a horrifying feeling!! To both even to d girlfriend and to the boyfriend because he has to answer a long list of questions and what we call senti “emotional attyachar”. You tend to curse WhatsApp. The application that has brought you both together isn’t it the reason for your fights. And then starts the DRAMA of changing WhatsApp status and putting senti DP’s! We all do it don’t we? Well most of us do !  then the world notices your dp and status and they will ask you what ? why ? how? And then it becomes even more irritating you narrate d same old story and assume that he’s cheating on you. This applies even to the boys even the boys tend to do all this. May be not all but yeah it does apply. While others get frustrated and put up a status like “off whatsapp”. Funny how one application changes so many lives and so many people’s moods. People out of frustration block others so that they don’t bother them ! We all come across that one irritating friend , lover, or whoever that we block. If you haven’t ever blocked someone well, I would say you are lucky enough to not have had such experiences. It isn’t a really pleasing one.


While some people keep stalking people’s status and dp’s, there are others who are so in love that every time they see their crush or lover’s status and dp’s they get all happy. Whereas some people’s heart skips a beat every time they encounter that moment of truth when their crush’s whatsapp chat turns from ‘last seen’ to ‘online’ to ‘typing’. Whatsapp makes people so happy sometimes and so sad at times. It’s not really whatsapp’s fault. Or maybe it is! It made me personally happy when I realize privacy setting have  been upgraded. You can now keep your contacts, status, and display picture to nobody everybody or my contacts. That helps you be at peace your stockers won’t be able to stock you , your pictures, or your moods happy, sad, depressed or even your whereabouts like at the gym, meeting etc. since whatsapp has arrived a lot of people have stopped calling up and this would be a problem to all the companies !  When you are chatting with a person you sometimes don’t get the tone of a person. When you talk over a phone call you can judge if the person you are trying to speak to is sad, happy, bullying you etc. many relationships and friendships have lost the essence of personal touch through calls because whatsapp has come we shall talk on whatsapp, does it really help ? NO, not all the time. Whatsapp groups sometimes are wonderful you can add your friends, old friends, new friends, even friends of friends and share joys, happiness and you can connect. But many times it gets irritating to suddenly be added on to a whatsapp group where you don’t  belong , where you feel this group is so annoying , they talk senseless. You cannot leave the group cause you don’t want to be rude or hurt others. Whatsapp groups break friendships and relationships too. You make new friends on those groups forget your old one, you may get this certain kind of attraction towards another woman or man and then start ignoring the only one you loved for years. It may seem funny, weird, to some but it is the truth. Basically all I would like to say is don’t let all these applications rule your life, career  or even for that matter your relationship status. Whatsapp makes you happy but it can also ruin the peace of your mind that would result into a very bad thing later.  Now it’s up to you to decide whether  you would want this app to be a blessing or a curse in your life.



BY Carren Bryne



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