When Fuel Meets Transport Shell Is Formed



Started in 1907 shell was formed by a Anglo-Dutch company merger between Royal Dutch Petroleum and UK-based Shell Transport & Trading.  Now it is the second largest company in the world, in terms of revenue, and one of the six oil and gas “super majors”.

Shell started from the early 20th century all the way up till now has done numerous business expansions in all sectors making petroleum their biggest business through its supply chain of Merger Company making it its second biggest business. Now developing interest in alternate fuel technology and advanced fueling solutions shell even sponsored formula1.

Being main sponsor for Scuderia Ferrari it also was the title sponsor for Belgium grand prix 2013. With its successful supply and demand chain the functions of his company are merely for the purpose of operations. Shell invests most of its time in research and technological developments. One of the breakthroughs of their research in the past decade where the development of more powerful nitro meth fuels for small developmental projects like robotics and electronic powered device for a better fuel backup.

Shell now operates in 70+ countries with over 92000 average numbers of employees in each country. Its sale of LPG includes 19.6 million ones a year. For his huge task they need to produce 3.2 million barrels of oil equivalent a day. This can be only achievable through 30 +chemical refineries and chemical plants they run.

With shell everything is possible they have invested designs innovation in many sectors like Future of cities planning them smart, Using smarter mobility better fuel technology finding he alternatives to pure petroleum. This also includes improved technologies to harness fuel from regions inaccessible before that is he Arctic protect for which none of the life and habitat could be disturbed for messy work such as fuel extraction.


– Aditya Chavan

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