GOOD MORNING! Oh wait? You might be thinking this guy has gone crazy! Haha no I haven’t…
Why is “good morning” actually used? To greet someone a start to a bright day? That exactly how my soul felt when I walked past that door of the conference room on the 12th of July 2012 to attend the BMS orientation of MMK College. That day a new life had began from me…a road I had decided to walk on myself. I was nervous and scared thinking how would I adjust to this new place and new people? But that’s what human beings are designed to! 10 minutes later? I felt amazing…only for the fact I saw more and more scared faces walking past that door and as and when I saw each guy…I felt like a man!
A few minutes later…I saw lady…in her mid-forties walking right to the center of the stage…and she gave us a warm look…I saw everyone around me having their eyes fixed onto her…signaling to me…YES!! IT BEGINS NOW…
When she began addressing her speech…I was distracted…my eyes were rolling about scanning my classmates and then creating a bio about each and every person I saw! I already selected my friends there itself by dividing people into good…and not so good people! And today I have the “not so good” people as my best buddies! So I went back to that old phrase I had learnt in school which made complete sense to me….”all that glitters, is NOT gold!”
Soon when I turned my eyes to the presentation being showed on the big screen…and most of you reading this would not be present that day, let me tell you the true story! Every time someone would come up and talk, I could not manage to hear EVERY WORD they spoke! And not I understand anything!
After successfully understanding the entire BMS details I was really really excited…not because I was thrilled with the thought of BMS but because I was waiting when this end and I would actually go and talk to the “good people” I had decided :p and with this thought came my luck…one of the speakers on stage decided to play a little activity with us!
he asked to introduce ourselves and tell them why we chose BMS as our stream. As everyone answered I saw the not so good people giving good answering actually enforcing my mind to change their opinion them! Then came my turn to which I gave a very hilarious reply-“ I want to do BMS because I want to be a BOSS and not work under anyone !” I was warmed with a roar of laughter and lots of handshakes later from many fellow batch mates introducing themselves and that’s how I developed a positive relation from day 1.
I always knew that my journey is going to be amazing especially considering my First day when I walked past that door!
When I Walked past that door…
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