When Managers become Hamlets!!


This alludes to the famous play “Hamlet” by Shakespeare. Hamlet was a character who was highly indecisive about what he wanted to do and always mulled over things while taking a decision and many a times avoided or delayed taking decisions. This could mean disaster if applied in case of a working manager as he has to be on his toes and take fast decisions. This is more relevant today when the whole world is a market and even a momentary indecisiveness could result in millions being lost in the trade.
We all make decisions of varying importance every day, so the idea that decision making can be a rather sophisticated art may at first seem strange. However, studies have shown that most people are much poorer at decision-making than they think. An understanding of what decision making involves, together with a few effective techniques, will help produce better decisions.

For a manager when he become hamlets the organization will have great loss and it can indirectly affect the country as the world is in globalization and if managers which are main part of the organization become hamlets then it’s impossible for a country to get developed. Manager organizes all the functions and factors and it is quite necessary for a manager to be quick, smart, intelligent, logical and rational.

When Managers become hamlets the teams they lead fall apart. When managers procrastinate the organizations they lead lose direction. Opportunities are lost, chances go by and organizations crumble. Time and tide waits for no man. A manager is put at the helm of affairs to help people come together to realize a common goal, to ensure that all the cogs in the wheel work together and complement each other so that they succeed in achieving what they had set out to do . When such men start thinking “to do or not to do “they spell doom for the organizations/ groups they are to lead.

So you must have understood how managers are important for an organization and if they are hamlets then everything can get messed up, screwed up due to one person.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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