When Things Don’t Go Your Way !?



There are days in life when things just don’t go the way you want them to go. You have a planned day and that day itself there will be series or maybe an incident which will spoil the entire planned day. There might also be some other reason and just some pure unlucky factor as well. When this happens, you feel so frustrated and annoyed.  Whether it is your fault or not, you tend to blame yourself and feel low about it.

Guys there are always such days in life, there is no escape from it. It is just a setback. You don’t have to take stress and tension on such things in life. Things not going your way happens in each and everyone’s life.

Now the question is how are we supposed to make things work?

  • Think realistic: Try to plan on realistic goals rather than unfeasible goals. For example: If in a day you can manage 10 Activities then only plan for 10 activities don’t plan for 20.
  • Clearly define your goals: Before planning, always comes what you want to achieve, make sure you have a clear thoughts of what you want and accordingly plan.
  • Communicate your needs: Try to be clear while communicating make sure that you communicate points and needs clearly not vaguely.
  • Time – management: Time is an important factor while consider this topic. If you neglect time, Time will neglect you. Time will determine how things will work for you.
  • Smart work than hard work: Hard work is very important, you must put efforts to achieve the things you want. But it should not be always vigorous hard work. There should be smart work as well.

These are the things one must follow so that things will go your way. These are not only factors which you must consider but there are many others too. These are just some basic points you must think upon.

Sometimes you have done all these things still there are many problems. In such case try to analyse the problem and you will get the solution. Be practical during the time of analysing than emotional.

There are times even if things are right, things don’t go your way because of some silly day to day problems. These are things which you can’t escape. Such things are not in our control.

  Remember don’t over prepare or plan things as over preparation is always a risk.

Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, doubting, just have faith that things will work out, not the way they were supposed to be but how they were meant to be.

You learn from your mistakes. 

Lastly, sometimes things happen for a reason, they give you a lesson, all you have to do is to take it positively. Never give up.

Need-a-Plan-Think-Not-See-What-HappensSANIYA P. RANE 

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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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