Where There’s A Will There’s A Way


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‘Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way’. The saying means that if we are determined and have willingness to do something, however impossible might seem to be, as shall find a way to do it successfully. We should have determination and a strong will.

At times we find that we are not in a position to do certain things. It is only because we lack the interest to do it or we really do not try to do them; we do not really want to do them. When we are not interested in something, we try to find some excuses not to do it; we exaggerate things. We try to make it something impossible and hence leave it unfinished. But if we have a strong desire, we can remove all the obstacles or hindrances on our path and attain our target or goal. We will find how to keen desire and a strong determination, will make light of difficulties, and will discover the way to success.

If we go through history and the auto-biographies of great men, we can realize that many of them became great by their strong will, determination, luck, courage and perseverance. For example we take the case of the famous American President Abraham Lincoln. Even though he was born in a very poor family, he gradually rose to the highest positions in his country by hard work and strength of character. Even though he could not attend classes in his boyhood, instead of finding out excuses or cursing his fate, he taught himself by reading every book he could get hold of. He had a strong will; he knew that there was nothing impossible for one who really had the desire backed up with perseverance and courage. Same is the case of so many other successful men in the field of science, literature, politics etc. Their determination to succeed brought them success. Napoleon said that the word “impossible” was not found in his dictionary.

Determination is something which can work wonders. Be determined and the goal is yours.



WRITTEN BY Jayshankar R Nair



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CKT College

The Changu Kana Thakur Arts, Commerce and Science College, New Panvel is accredited with grade ’A’ by NAAC, recipient of ’Best College Award’ by University of Mumbai and awarded with ’College with Potential for Excellence Status’ by University Grants Commission. It is located in Khanda Colony at New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.


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