Why 2 States (2014 Movie) didn’t meet people’s expectations?



Like most sweet and cute  love stories in India, the boy and the girl are of  2 different States having complete different culture, different religion and they meet and fall in love with each other so here’s  Ananya Swaminathan (Alia Bhatt)  a Tamalian from Chennai and Krish Malhotra (Arjun Kapoor) is a Punjabi from Delhi. They bump into each other at the IIM Ahemdabad canteen where  Ananya is fighting with the cook because she feels the sambar is not properly made or you can say it wasn’t a typical south indian sambhar  and she wants one extra rasgulla which is not allowed. Our here  Krish standing behind our heroine tells the cook to give his share of the rasgulla to her…… awwww how sweet isn’t it ??

 Just like a predicted romantic flik  Ananya falls in love with him and hangs out with him . She has no other friends, girls or boys …..
I mean seriously  ????!!! Who on Earth wouldn’t be having friends ?? Never mind it is said when you watch movies keep your brains aside … lol. Still she wants to be friends with this average-looking nerd.
Ananya is pretty and soon Krish confesses about his feelings. she has an option of forgetting him or to start dating him, and it’s predictable  that she chooses the latter.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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