Why Acting ‘Cool’ Is So ‘Uncool’ !? Effects of Reckless Driving


rash driving



    Along with urbanization and modernization, people’s way of thinking has also changed. Their way of describing things has changed drastically. What seemed to be weird is quite normal. There is a big difference in the opinions which they had and which they have. That is why today people give the tag of “cool and smart” to the person who breaks laws, who puts his own and others life at stake. Is this really known as “Being Smart”?
        For today’s people, especially youth, this is a way to act cool. Although only they think that they are very cool. This smartness is mostly shown on roads. Youngsters don’t hesitate in driving at high speeds, without caring for the people around them. Their bike’s and car’s speedometer shows double the speed of the limit for that particular road. This is not because they are getting late, this is to show their inner Hrithik Roshan, from Dhoom, and to all the beautiful ladies walking on the roads. This rash driving is also boosted by the new trend of plugging the head phones on and listening music while driving. Sometimes this is also accompanied by alcohol. People even drive after drinking, because for them it is the most accepted way of enjoying. For all the youth brigade, its thrill and fun, but it is contrary for others.
        Rash driving always leads to some mishaps and then we have an hour’s news and a column in the newspaper for the after effects of this great doing. Every day there are a number of accidents happening in our country, maximum because of rash driving?
         Under Section 279-Rash driving or riding on a public way, Supreme Court has given a statement. Whoever drives any vehicle, or rides on a public way in a manner so rash or negligent as to endanger human life, or to be likely to cause hurt or injury to any other person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description of a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.
           This punishment is given by law, but there is one more big punishment which is given not only to us but also to those who love us. That punishment is our LIFE, the most precious gift a person gets. People say that only once we get a human life. So why waste it in this way? Why leave this Land easily when it would be so difficult for our loved ones to digest this bitter truth?
          Just imagine yourself with your friends at your college. You are having a great time with all those crazy people. Then you receive a call from one of your friend who tells you about an awesome weekend’s plan. You are very excited and with that excitement you jump from your seat and bidding goodbye to everybody, rush towards your brand new bike. You start your bike and start riding towards your friend’s home. Your excitement and bike’s speed has no limit. While riding, you are also answering a list of your mom’s questions. You are getting irritated but still u cannot disconnect the call, after all it’s your mother’s call. Finally your hands are free, not for a long time though. You now have a call from your friend who is waiting for you. Since it’s not your mom, you are yelling at him and explaining him the speed, distance and time between his home and your college. While talking you cut the lane and suddenly see a truck in front of you, it hits you badly and after 4-5 seconds everything blacks out. After some hours you see yourself laying under white covers in the middle of your house. Many people have gathered at your place. Your mother and sister cannot stop their tears. Your father is way more upset than you have ever seen him. All your friends are in great pain and they want you back.
Yes, you are dead! You have lost your family and friends along with your own life. Also, you are the reason for their sadness. Do you know why? If not, think again, I don’t think that now I need to repeat my words again.
        Think over and bring change in your life, before it’s too late.

                          -TANVI TAPARIA

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Tanvi Taparia


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