Why Always Girls?


Girls…..What is so interesting in being a girl?? Well, I would say it’s a blessing to be a girl. To be a girl simply means to be a Papa’s Pari   and Mamma’s Sweetie. To be a girl simply means getting those soft corners of heart and care which a boy would rarely get.  Only girls have the quality to care for people more than she does for herself and to love people more than they deserve. They are only creatures who would leave her house which gave her so much, just to fill a strangers house with her affection and care .But are girls so lucky that only love concern care and affection in written in their destiny .No it is not so .Whatever she gets the double of that she has to repent .I am sure you might be surprised how a person who gets so much has to repent. So here is the sweet touching poem about the things the girls go through every time….

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From sacrifice to compromise

Why always girls?

From duty to responsibility

Why always girls?

From working whole day to being torture by society

Why always girls?

From rules to restrictions

Why always girls?

From being criticized to shedding silent endless tears

Why always girls?

From being married before her age to be beaten by her spouse

Why always girls?

From having a tight schedule at work to managing household chores at the same time

Why always girls?

From not being allowed to study much to being irritated by ruthless customs

Why always girls?

From being raped to living her full life with the tag of being raped

Why always girls?

From Rani Laxmibai to Mother Teresa

From Maa Kali to a simple house wife

She showed all colours

But still she is chosen as the weakest person

Her love is unconditional

Her patience is remarkable

Her help is a miracle

Her guidance is a blessing

And her care for her society is till her last breathe

Then why is she been killed before her birth

If a girl has to undergo all this

Why god created girls?

Instead, girls are the only creatures

You treat her good and she will treat you best

You like her and she will love you

You trust her she will believe you

You let her live and she will give you birth.

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Yes of course I don’t deny that conditions of girls have improved. But have they really improved to that extent? Still even now everyday girls are being raped, abused, harassed and exploited. I fail to understand why she has to be alert every time so that no one misbehaves with her. Girls are not toys don’t play with them, they are not machines don’t use them they are not scrap don’t throw them, they created you at least learn to respect them.

To all boys I would just like to say one line. Don’t be just a man be a GENTLEMAN who knows to respect girls and protect them as well.




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