Why Am I Not Able To Look Like Katrina Kaif Or Kareena Kapoor? 7 Surprising Reasons For No Weight Loss Revealed


losing weight

You are trying out different diets everyday…like salad diet, liquid diet, cabbage diet to name a few? Working out for long hours but there is no reduction in your inches?

The 7 mistakes you do which does not allow you to lose your extra fats are:

  1. If you are exercising before eating anything then you must rethink…when you workout with your empty stomach calories burned come from muscle and not fat. As muscle burns more calories than fat so it’s necessary to have more muscle mass.


  1. Making time for workout means skipping your sleep but it is very important to have 7-8 hours of sleep if you are planning to lose weight.


  1. Some of you’ll go to extreme edge and stop eating; this is a very wrong method. Have 6-7 small quantity of meals everyday rather than having 1 large meal.


  1. A salad is one of the healthiest meals you can have but adding cheese, dried fruits and nuts just doubles up the calorie intake.


  1. Skipping breakfast is worst. You think it’s a great way to save calories, but your body will actually hold on fat because it thinks it’s being starved.


  1. Eating meals without any distractions from TV or computer will help you connect to your food and as a result eat less.


  1. Stress can be a big reason for weight gain. It triggers the body to eat more-especially foods high in sugar and fat-make sure you give yourself time to relax.


Lose weight for yourself and not because everyone else is asking you to do so. If you really want to shed those extra pounds then do follow these simple tricks

Best of luck and hope you lose your weight soon 🙂

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Saloni Shetty


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