Why An Indian Firm Should Globalise?


Why An Indian Firm Should Globalise?

(a)        Profit Advantage: ‐ Though the margin of profit in the international market is low due to intense  competition, it certainly increases the overall profitability of the orgainisation due to economies of scale.

(b)        Growth  Opportunities:  ‐  Global  market  is  spread  all  over  the  world.      The enormous

growth potential of many foreign markets is a very strong attraction for domestic companies to globalise.

(c)         Domestic   Market   Constraints:  ‐   Some   companies   may   globalise   in   order   the  avoid constraints in the domestic market.  For example, saturation of the domestic market.

(d)        Competition:‐ Liberalisation and globalisation of Indian economy has increased competition

from foreign MNCs.   Hence, in order to survive intense competition, Indian companies will have to globalise.


(e)        Government  Policies  And  Regulations  :‐  The  incentives  and  assistance  provided  by  the government and encouraging EXIM policy for internationalization may  also initiate globalisation.


(f)         Spin‐Off Benefits: ‐ Globalisation provides certain spin‐off benefits, viz., greater market share, economies of scale, easy access to imported capital goods, etc.


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