Why Are You Neglecting Falling In Love With The Most Important Person You Know?


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Why Are You Neglecting Falling In Love With The Most Important Person You Know?  YOU?

Yes, I might sound slightly ego-centric when I say this but it’s true, falling in love with yourself is the relationship you must serve with utmost commitment. It’s very easy to do this when you are a kid, but as time goes by most of us get into the soul mate search mode and try to mold and adjust ourselves as per that person. Having a lover, a partner is necessary but more than yourself? Naah!

You find that beautiful and special bond of that (hopefully) one special person, and for them you want to look good, maintain your physique and looks, dress up well and be your dazzling best; why? because somewhere at the back of your mind you know your girl will run away it you forgot your mints and you guy will hate over grown eye brows. So why not want to look good for yourself, instead of waiting for that someone to come over and demand a trip to the beauty spa or the gym?

You were with yourself, since you were born and believe me no one understands you better than yourself, when you fared poorly, faced rejection, got an earful, lost a loved one or were subjected to bad behavior the person who hurt the most was you! So why dress up for someone else, can’t we do it for the person whose feelings you can relate the best with;  for you!

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Loving, caring and living for others is the process of human life whereby any being with emotions tends to look out for those they care, it’s a part of life none of us can ignore and shouldn’t ignore either because as a son, a sister, a boyfriend, a wife, a nephew, a grand daughter, a mother or a friend we always come across people and relations we care for and try to do whatever we can while keeping them happy, but at the same time in that entire process don’t forget yourself.

Bags under your eyes because of working late hours, gave nobody any gain except made you look a tad bit uglier. In that constant fight to reach our dreams and goals why do we forget that like everyone we need a little time of to ourselves too! We have just one life and as important it is to live your dream, it’s the same to live and love for yourself.

They say in a relationship, it is necessary to keep falling in love all over again at regular intervals, try out doing the same for yourself; after all you are what you think aren’t you?

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.