Why Ban On Passive Smoking Should Be Enforced



‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’ is what we have been taught and told, time and again. But it all seems to vanish into thin smoke when we take a walk down the road. I wonder what is it that fosters this fatal addiction.
A little walk down the road too is difficult because the world around seems to be smoking flicking the cigarette butt in style while you walk past like an alien to this disgusting ritual. Somewhat breathless because of the unwanted nicotine puff being pushed into your lungs. And then you wave your hand in the air, trying to push the smoke away. But you know that you have failed, the damage is done.
Today, cigarette smoking is a fad. Its saddening that youngsters today give in to these cancer butts. Girls too, are joining the league. I am shocked when i see young boys, hardly fifteen walk past me with a cigarette in hand with a foolish attempt at trying to be cool. It’s painful because I know he will smoke for the rest of his life. And walk past by many persons like me who don’t or will not smoke.
It is like trying to murder somebody unknowingly. When a person smokes he not only kills himself slowly but is also reducing the minutes of somebody else’s life. Yes! That’s right. Why die alone when I can have company. And that is why I don’t fray from giving them disgusting looks.
People are so addicted to cigarettes that tomorrow if government imposes a ban, either half the population will be smugglers or they will migrate. Cigarettes are like girlfriends. You yearn for them, splurge on them, miss them, wake up in the middle of the night because you want them.
So it’s a humble request to all the smokers -Spread happiness and not cancer.





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