Why BMSites Shouldn’t Take Studies Lightly? 7 Consequences Of Not Studying Seriously


Why BMSites Shouldn’t Take Studies Lightly? 7 Consequences Of Not Studying Seriously


If you think you will somehow pass the exams and enjoy your BMS college life, and have no problems in the future, you are sadly mistaken. Just by studying last minute and scoring average marks, you won’t succeed in life.  You have to take BMS studies seriously for the following reasons,  


  1. In BMS, whatever you’re taught, will be applicable in your job.

If you think you will study just for the sake of studying, you will never remember what you studied. And then when you work or even go for the job interview, you will repent not paying attention. You have to use BMS knowledge in your day to day work. Otherwise, 3 years of BMS is a complete waste of time.


  1. MBA admission can get affected.

You need around an average of above 70% in 3 years to get into a good B-school. If you take this lightly and even if you score well in CAT, it’s of no use as you cannot retake the exam so you will not be able to do anything about this.


  1. Your placements can be a huge doubt if you score low marks in your BMS exams.

Placements and interviewers do check your BMS scores of all 3 years and then judge you and decide if they want to give you the job or not. If you don’t have a consistent mark sheet, they will think you’re not serious about your studies and you’re not confident. This can lead to not getting the job. You cannot change those marks and you will have to compromise.


  1. People take 1st and 2nd year lightly and struggle in the 3rd

First 2 years of BMS are full of basic concepts and subjects which are easy to understand whereas in the 3rd year, you will have specialization subjects which are difficult to understand and score well. Especially accounts subjects are in all 6 semesters. If your basics are not clear, you won’t be able to understand anything. You will face a lot of problems in your 3rd year and you won’t be able to do anything about it later on.


  1. ATKT is difficult to clear.

ATKT BMS exams are really difficult to score well, and you have to study twice for the same subjects, plus study the current semester subjects. You will lag behind and won’t have any personal time. Full vacations you have to study for ATKT exams.


  1. Stress level will increase.

If you don’t take your studies seriously, you will definitely take on a load of stress and every semester you will repent hard for not studying from the start. Stress will cause not only health problems, it will also not let you study well during exams and you will regret your decisions.


  1. You won’t be able to do anything after you fail any semester which you have to give all over again.

BMS studies is not difficult but studying all the subjects all over again is a bit exhausting. You won’t be able to have a normal college life and your future will also get affected. So, you cannot afford to take studies lightly.



You will have to take studies seriously because it may not affect you now, but it will definitely affect your future. You cannot take anything lightly, because there are a lot of consequences. You will regret and repent but won’t be able to go back in time. Hence, my advice, start studying early and attend lectures because this will actually help you become a successful person in the future. It’s all in your hands.


By Rhea Shetty.



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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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