Why Change Is The Law Of Nature?


Change - Blue Button

When times are there that you have never thought, at such times you have to totally depend upon the results of the activities or efforts taken by you.

The habit of changing oneself for the sake of others (even for evil things) is not good in life. Why is it required that we must do what others want? Why we must say what others want to hear? Can’t we live for ourselves when principles ought to be followed? Every individual must lay down or put forth some bindings or some restrictions to himself just for his own benefit. One must always recover his individuality living in a group. One must try to outcome his uniqueness by not easily getting influenced by other group people.

Living for others is sheer waste of time. If for whole life you keep on changing yourself, then where are you going to live for you?

One must take into account that for the sake of well being of others, if we can change ourselves, then let others also try these themselves. Every time saying ‘yes’ to others may bring appreciation for you that you are very ’obedient’ but what’s the use of such appreciation if it involves your own dis-interest.

It’s very fine that in this world, we have to change ourselves according to the world. ‘Change’ is the law of nature. Everything accepted. But it must be noted that ‘change for good’ and not bad. If society consists of such elements which though are small in number but it might not take much time to make the entire society like it.

Always good things are more adversely affected y bad things. In such case, if an individual is born with good social values, manners, individuality, good thoughts, etc, he must be good and proud of himself and never let himself feel down. Instead, use his goodness as a shining power or weapon so that he can transform the other elements like him-good and not himself become bad in their company if they are so. Support the good, eliminate the bad. No individual is bad from birth.

The circumstances are responsible for his change. Here point comes how much one can be stubborn and true to him. One must always listen to insight and one’s heart as they are the ones who will always guide you to the right way.

Advices are given by everyone. But it depends on individual how well he takes the advices and implements them in his life.

Finally, I just want to say, change for good, remain ‘you’ even in a group. Be unique, don’t go as per others wish. Always live for yourself also while living for others.

Happy life.

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Deepika Murlidhar
Friendly, Adventurous, positive attitude, forward thinking, and most importantly I am proud to be a libran. I love to write poems in marathi, hindi and english.I am planning to do MBA in finance in future. I am here because of my passion of writing articles and sharing my thoughts and I just love this site a lot as it helps students to come out with thier talents and its working on creating a great enthusiasm among students and bringing them under one network to work together. What else can be a good example of first step to revolutionize management education in a broader sense as this. Hats off!!!!! I wish to write articles so that I can reach many of my fellow friends and together we can work upon various aspects that needs our attention a lot especially our motherland India.

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