Why Don’t Youngster’s Take Relationships Seriously Today?



 We are living in a era of electronization, we don’t communicate verbally but use electronic items to communicate with others. This is the main reason that why we are losing the  art of maintaining relationship in our Indian culture. Our youngster’s are born and brought up in this era of electronization and they are spending more time with their electronic items than any other thing. Earlier relationships are stronger because you have communication with only few peoples or only with your family, relatives or close friends. People used to visit each other’s places to talk to them or to know about their wellness but now we contact them through internet or over phone. This gap of meeting personally with the peoples and conversation through an electronic media has increased the gap in relationships.

Our youngster’s are born in this era and they are very close to these type of electronic items, they are too busy in these electronic gadgets that they don’t have time to meet personally with any one or to share their feelings or matters personally.  Science has taken a great leap in the recent years, we can communicate with any person in the world which is not possible 10 years ago, we are inventing new gadgets every day.

Our priorities are changed in this techy world. We are giving more importance to our facebook or whatsapp friends rather spending quality time with our family members.  Youngsters are waking up till mid nights, late in the nights just to chit-chat with the friends.

They are doing friendships with strange peoples on the internet, there is no meaning in this kind of friendships. They give more importance to these strange friends over their own friends.


 Everyone is so busy in their own work and problems that they only had a minimal time for their relationships.  People are becoming more eco-centric, they are happy with them and their 2 or 3 friends, some are happy alone also… They doesn’t need their family members or relatives or old friends. People are living in their own world of gadgets and technology.

 This type of technological advancement is also a boon for the society because it is the nature of the life that you always need to do something new or you should always grow in the life and because of this only human being is growing with a very fast pace. But we should also keep in mind the drawbacks of this boon or growth.

 Earlier there was no technology available  and people are living a simple and humble life but because of  the technological advancement we are growing as a human being as well as a animal. We also not fit in the current types of animals rather human have created its own new category.


 Relationships are like child we have to take care of them. A single grudge can break a year’s long relationship in seconds. We have to be more sensitive when it comes to relationships because it takes a long time to build a relation and seconds of fraction to break it….

 – Ankit Yadav

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