Why Eating Panipuri will Boost your Mood!


pani puri

“Pani Poori” the name itself is enough for me to start craving some. It is THE MOST famous street food of India. Every Indian has grown up on this savory fast food and everyone has their own favorite Pani poori wala.

It’s always fun to eat this snack and having panipoori can totally refresh your mood. Hanging out with friends or family and gulping down panipoori one after the other is the joyful moment.  This is so addictive, you just cannot have enough of it.

Panipuri, also known as golgappa, gupchup or other regional names, is a fried street food. Traditionally, you eat panipuris in a single bite, which allows the array of flavors to combine in your mouth as you chew. Panipuris are made by deep-frying stuffed, unleavened flatbread. Onions, potatoes, tamarind, salt and chickpeas mixed with a variety of spices are common ingredients for the stuffing. One serving is five panipuris. Here are the reasons why eating panipuri will boost your mood :

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Calories :

One serving of panipuris usually weighs 2.5 ounces. In a 2.5-ounce serving of panipuris, you consume about 100 calories. That’s 5 percent of a typical 2,000-calorie daily value, or DV. The flatbread dough, oil and potatoes in the filling account for most of the calories. Eliminating the potatoes from the filing reduces the calories to around 80 per serving.

Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium :

Each 2.5-ounce helping of panipuris has about 4 grams of fat, mostly from the frying oil. Of the fat, 2 grams are saturated. You eat 6 percent of a 65-gram fat DV and 10 percent of a 20-gram saturated fat DV with each serving. Reducing the fat would require eliminating the oil that is essential to cooking pani puris.

You also consume 210 milligrams of sodium with one serving of pani puris. A healthful sodium DV is 2,400 milligrams; 2.5 ounces of panipuris has 9 percent of that. Eliminating the salt from the filling nearly cuts the sodium content in half. There is no cholesterol in pani puris.

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Protein, Carbohydrates and Fiber :

One 2.5-ounce serving of panipuris has 2 grams of protein, or 4 percent of a 50-gram protein DV. Adding ground chicken increases the protein by 12 grams and adding peanut butter increases it by 7 grams. The carbohydrate content of each serving is 18 grams, mostly from the flatbread. A DV is 300 grams of carbs; you eat 6 percent of that with each helping. You also get 1 gram, or 4 percent of a 25-gram DV, of fiber.

Vitamins and Minerals :

A 2.5-ounce helping of panipuris has 1 milligram of iron, or 5 percent of an 18-milligram DV. Iron is essential for keeping your blood oxygenated. You also consume trace amounts of magnesium, manganese, potassium, folate, zinc and vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C and D with every serving of pani puris.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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