Why ‘House’ Is A Recommended Watch For Everyone


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I am not a big fan of TV shows. All TV shows have the same story line but different packaging. Then why “HOUSE TV SERIES” was recommended to me by at least 5 of every 10 people? Curious…..VERY Curious…..To my surprise, this TV show is actually different from the regular hospital shows.

It is a combination of all expressions. A package of Comedy, Suspense, Romance, Drama. Gave me a feeling of watching Sherlock Holmes. It depends upon whether you pick up your choice, based on entertainment value or critics recommendation. As a matter of fact, this series was critic’s choice as well as viewers’ choice.


HOUSE is made up of 8 seasons i.e. 177 episodes, starting from November 16th 2004 to May 21st 2012. It is available for download at Amazon video on Demand, iTunes store and Zune Marketplace. The title HOUSE indicates the main character Dr.Gregory House. But Friends……why will you choose this series to spend 1hr. of your precious time. The best way is to watch the first episode of season 1 and make your choice.

I prefer unpredictable stories than daily soaps. How about you? Critics’ recommendations are based on various factors, which most of the time are irrelevant to us. So ignore……but if you find your friends circle talking about it, you wouldn’t wish to be an alien to that particular topic. Trust me guys…the show is worth giving your time.


There are some interesting moments and characters which inspires you. Dr. House has inspired me. I wish to be a doctor now and be like him….determined and focused. But unfortunately I am not a book worm. So Dr. House….maybe next life. I also think, if this show has won numerous awards, then for sure, this show must have an‘X factor’ in it.

– Aishwarya J

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