Why I Believe In Religion – A Note I’d Like To Share!


Religious tolerance illustration

Religion where a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

Some people describe this in religious terms, some in terms of nature, but, whatever, we do not feel the need to have a religion tell us what we should believe.

I can understand that it’s hard to believe in a God I can’t see. But the Reason I believe in God;

Because there is a lot of evidence around us that there is a power greater than ourselves.Because there are many facts that can only be explained by the existence of such a power.

Nature is the sign of his Existence.The wind is an example. We don’t see it, but we see what it does. Belief in God is the same; we can look at the evidence that He exists.

For me, Being religious is when you serve others with your clean intentions you get more closer to god and felt his presence by being a solution of every problems in your life.

 I personally feel the presence of god and the warmth and love felt through my communication with god and had answered my prayers.

Conclusion :I personally believe in the religion where service to mankind is a true service to god and can felt his presence by being a devotee and following rituals of god’s law.Religion is man’s attempt to have communion with God.No religion accepts us as the person we know ourselves to be.A sense of justice leads us to choose standards, and in doing so we condemn ourselves to living this life.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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